Saturday, July 15, 2006
Maybe it is just me
So I have this thing about politness. In this case on-line curtesy(sp), ( yeah I know my spelling sucks, I'm an artist not a English teacher). So if I'm running a on-line forum and someone gives an introduction, the polite thing to do is reply, at least, oh hello, welcome to blah blah blah forum. Make the person feel welcome. Not the case I am finding in several places. Oh I forgot, that would be WTF2.
Along those same lines, If I have a website with my stuff, lets say, pottery and I have my email up. Someone writes me, asks a few questions, and/or says some nice things about my stuff. It would be polite, I think to at least reply within a few weeks, saying , thanks blah blah blah, take care.
Maybe it's me. I just think weird.